Between the Devil and the Deep is an old sailor's saying indicating the space between the bulwork and outswide of the hull. One had to hang over to tar and caulk it. Today its like being between a rock and a hard place.

Between the Devil and the Deep...: Memoirs of a Maverick Priest is my new book which now out. You buy it at amazon.com, barnsandnobel.com or by sending me a check for $18.00 plus $3.50 US and I'll send you a signed copy. address is 41 Whitman Dr., Granby, CT, 06035.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The hard thing about writing is not the composition of a book. It is the getting the book published. When I write, I write to express something of myself and what I think in the art of words. The job is only half way done when I’m finished. The communication of my ideas to others is my goal. What would we have lost if Picasso and Monet, or any other artist had not been able to sell their paintings? Not that I’m in their league. Painting is only half the work, the other half is communication the painting to others. When I finish a book I try to sell it to an agent. But agents don’t really want to see books from unpublished writers. One book of mine received more than two hundred rejections before I gave up. Was the book that bad? I don’t think so, but then I’m prejudiced. It had won first place in two writing contests. Oh well. You can see that I would get excited when a “publisher” e-mailed me wanting to print a book I had written for juveniles. I sent him the manuscript. The letter came back that the work had merit, but since it would take three years to recoup their expenses, I would need to share the cost to the tune of $895! No deal!! More of this next time.

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