Between the Devil and the Deep is an old sailor's saying indicating the space between the bulwork and outswide of the hull. One had to hang over to tar and caulk it. Today its like being between a rock and a hard place.

Between the Devil and the Deep...: Memoirs of a Maverick Priest is my new book which now out. You buy it at amazon.com, barnsandnobel.com or by sending me a check for $18.00 plus $3.50 US and I'll send you a signed copy. address is 41 Whitman Dr., Granby, CT, 06035.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Why is the last day of the month so hectic? I seem to be running all day. One of the reasons I’m running is preparing for the Maritime Month at Granby Library. The library is going to display my models of sailing ships and exhibit books about the see – fiction and non-fiction. Judy and I are going to unearth THE BITTEREND for a concert on Saturday, October 3, at 2 p.m. Come a join us.