I had been having a very dry creative spell. I was spending long hours at the computer, but with little results. I could not think of a story to write, and I did not want to rework any of the novels I had written. The well was dry.
Alaina, Judy and I went to Bali for five days and stayed at a beautiful Hotel (?). It was called PURI SARASWATI,in Ubud and located next door to a Hindu Temple for the Goddess of Education and Music. It was very exotic and yet peaceful..<

We toured around the Island with a driver Alaina had hired. He was very nice to us and invited us to visit his home and family. They live almost completely outdoors. Not in Palm thatched huts, but in very nice two wall areas: dining room, living room, kitchen, rice storage area, and one four walled larger house in which they sleep.
Perhaps it was the nearness of the Goddess of Education; perhaps it was noting more that the exotic peacefulness of the place, but the juices of creativity started pouring in again. We returned to Singapore for Christmas and my waking hours were disturbed with story ideas. It was driving me crazy.
The whole family, Enrique, Alaina, Austin, Rachael and we old folks flew to Thailand, where we stayed in a fantastic hotel by the ocean. The second day I paced the floor in our hotel room while Judy was dressing for breakfast.
“What’s wrong with you?” she asked. “Aren’t you having fun?”
“Of course I’m having a great time,” I replied. “It’s just I keep getting stories in my head. I have a hard time going to sleep because they keep running through my mind. I have to do something about this.”
“Well,” she said, “go right ahead. Write some out. Alaina and I are going shopping and will be gone all morning.”
I sought out the Business Lounge and borrowed a computer. Here I stayed for most of the day. I wrote two short stories and started on a new book, Voices from Prison. The pressure to write had diminished, like the air was being let out of a balloon.
I could sleep again and enjoy the sights. Still the stories came, some of which I have already forgotten, and some which I have drafted after returning home.